Contact us

Normanton Plant, United Kingdom

Normanton Plant, United Kingdom
Map image


Foxbridge Way


West Yorkshire, WF6 1TN

United Kingdom

Phone: +44 1924 228000


At a glance

> Normanton is part of the business area Fluid Transfer

> Over 200 people working there

> Opened in 1979, part of Kongsberg Automotive from 2007

> Normanton specializes in PTFE & nylon formed hoses


1979: Private company (Astraflex) established in Hertfordshire and was at that time one of only handful of PTFE extruders worldwide.

1992: Acqusition by Teleflex Inc., but trading name remained Astraflex. Major investement in a new state of the art facility, Normanton, which expanded production capabilities and product development.

2003: The plant changed name to Teleflex Fluid Systems Europe, and the compnay aquired McKechnie Vehicle Componens. Experts in thermoplastic extrusion, forming and assembly. Factories in Milton Keynes (UK), Epila (Spain), Enschede (Holland)

2007: Became a part of Kongsberg Automotive

Normanton production204 People employed, within a wide range of disciplines from Operators, Application Engineers, Purchasing, Sales & Program management

Normanton is a manufacturing plant that delivers PTFE & Nylon formed hose to a wide range of customers within both the Automotive and Industrial sector.

It also has the capabilities to develop new products and validate on site in the engineering centre of Excellence and also houses purchasing & program managers needed to deliver the complete needs of our customer base
